Monday, September 15, 2014

September 17, 2014

Homework - Answer the question using the source material shown below and the class reading notes - Your answer will be due on Monday.

Question # 3 - How was the Englightenment more than just an intellectual event (one of ideas) for the elite, it was an event that sought to empower a large part of society with the goal of improving society?

Source # 1German Enlightenment philosopher Emmanuel Kant said, “Enlightenment is humanity’s departure from its self-imposed immaturity.  This immaturity is self-imposed when its cause is not lack of intelligence but failure of courage to think without someone else’s guidance.  Dare to know!  That is the slogan of Enlightenment.”  What does Kant mean by "self-imposed immaturity"?

Source # 2 - The painting below shows a the salon in the home of Madame Geoffrin in the 1770's.  Why would it be significant that so many important figures of the Enlightenment are in the picture?

Source # 3 - The picture shows a coffee house in London in the early 18th century.  How was this gathering different from the salon shown in Source # 2?

Source # 4 - The map shows various intellectual centers in Europe during the period of the Enlightenment.  How do these intellectual centers correspond with the countries affected by the Enlightenment?

Source # 5 - The table below shows changes in literacy rates in different European countries from 1500 to 1800.  How does the information in this table correspond to the Source # 4 map?

Source # 6 -The chart below shows the number of different types of books and periodicals (ESTC stands for "English Short Title Catalog") published in England during the period of the Enlightenment.  What does this show about the spread of literacy and knowledge within and beyond England during this period?

Source # 7 - he chart below shows the number of different types of books and periodicals (ESTC stands for "English Short Title Catalog") published in England during the period of the Enlightenment.  How do the number of titles correspond with the English Civil War and Glorious Revolution?

Source # 8 - Watch the video at MIT TechTV about the History and Controversy of the Encylopedia.  How did Diderot and the other writers of the Encyclopedia put their ideas into the entries of the Encyclopeida?

  Source # 9 - The picture below is a photo of a page from the Encyclopedia on the topic of print setting.  Would the king of France be happy or troubled by this page?

Source # 10 - The picture below is a photo of a page from the Encyclopedia on the topic of print setting.  How hard was it to make the Encyclopedia?

Source # 11 - Watch the MIT TechTV video about how the Encyclopedia connected the intellectual world to manual labor. Why would Diderot think it was important to elevate the intellectual status of manual labor?