Monday, October 20, 2014

October 20 & 21, 2014

Homework - Read in the "Industrial Revolution" notes up to the section "Industrialization of Life".

Classwork Questions:  In class you will work in small groups to answer the following questions using the class reading notes.  At the end of class, you will be turning in a single document for your group (you will send it to be by email) that contains outlined answers to both questions.  An outlined answer is the framework of an answer without the commentary linking the parts of the answer together.  It should contain:

  • a good topic sentence that answers the question
  • supporting topic sentences for the important points in the answer
  • specific historic information - with enough detail so it is clear how it connects to its part of the answer. 

You should work on both questions as a group. The purpose of his activity is to see how other people approach thinking about and organizing their answers to the content questions.

# 1.  Would it be correct to think of Otto von Bismarck as an "Enlightened Despot" similar to Fredrick the Great?

# 2.  How was nationalism both a constructive and destructive force in the way it reshaped Europe in the 19th century?

The map below shows Europe after the Congress of Vienna.

The map below shows the languages spoken in Europe in 1900 - Language is a important part of national identity.