Homework for Tuesday - Read the notes "Europe Prior to the French Revolution" that posted on the class web page up to the section "Scientific Revolution & Enlightenment". You will have a quiz on this reading.
Question - Louis XIV - Value of the Absolute Monarchs: Historian John Miller described the importance of the absolute monarchs, like Louis XIV, by saying, "Absolute monarchies helped to bring a sense of nationhood to disparate territories, to establish a measure of public order and promote prosperty... we need therefore to jettison the liberal and democratic preconditions of the twentieth century and instead think in terms of an impoverished and precarious existance, of low expetations and submission to the will of God and the king".
Using the infromation from the notes and the materials below, explain why the way Louis XIV ruled France fit the "traditional values"* and why this style of rule would be valued.
*"Traditional Values are collectivism, order, hierarchy, authority and centralization.
Sun Symbol on gate at the Palace of Versailles
Why would Louis have this symbol presented like this around Versailles?
The Hall of Mirrors at the Palace of
Video about the construction of Versailles
Louis with his court at Versailles
What does the painting tell you about the importance of ceremony and spectacle at Versailles?
Map showing the location of Louis' wars
Where did Louis fight wars and how successful was he in his wars?
Colbert Showing Louis a map of the Canal du Midi
What does the image tell you about how Louis ruled?
Map of the Canal du Midi
Why was the canal important to the economy of France?
Video on the building of the Canal du Midi
Chart showing the debt that Louis accumulated over his reign
What does the accumulation of debt over the course of Louis' reign tell you about how he ruled France?