Tuesday, March 15, 2016

March 15 - Review for World War Two Test

The class will have a test on World War Two on Monday, March 21st.  The test will have the short answer format that was common in the first part of the year - four questions will be asked and you will answer two of the questions.

Friday's class will be spent going over the material to be covered on the test.

Here are past test questions that you can use to study.

1. Did Hitler, both what he did after he come to power in Germany and in how he conducted war against other countries, demonstrate that Nazism is essentially a philosophy based on race?

2. Would it be correct to say that Hitler came to power by drawing on the bitterness, fear and pain, the Germans felt in the post-war period up through the Great Depression?

3. Why were the future World War Two Allies (Britain, France and the Soviet Union) unable to act against Hitler’s expansionism up to the outbreak of the Second World War?

4. Explain the statement “In the first years of the war, Germany was able to deal terrible defeats to Britain and Soviet Union but was unable to deal the knock-out blow”.

5. How did the brutality of the Nazi-Soviet war on the Eastern Front demonstrate Hitler’s plans for German “living space” and Stalin’s ruthlessness in defending the Soviet Union at all costs?

6. How did the Nazi’s policies toward the Jews change over time from when Hitler came to power in 1932 to the end of World War Two?

7. Why would it be correct to describe the Allied victory in World War Two as a result of American capital and Soviet blood? (Capital means industrial production)

8. Even though it was clear as early as 1943 that Nazi Germany would ultimately lose the war, why did the war in Europe only end after Nazi Germany had been militarily defeated and Nazi capital of Berlin had been captured by the Soviets?