Tuesday, May 31, 2016

May 31, 2016 - Final Exam Review

Final Exam Review Materials

The exam will take the format of 100 multiple choice questions and two essays - there will also be extra credit that is worth up to 5% of the exam.

These are the essay questions that you will be answering on the final exam:

1. What is the meaning of the word “Modern” in the “Modern World” and is the whole world currently “Modern”?

Recognize that this question is really two questions – each should get a paragraph. First, you will need to explain what you mean by modern - think in terms of political, economic and social systems –as well as access to technology. Second, you will need to explain how well the countries of the world fit into your idea of "modern".

2.  Imagine that you have been hired by the United States Department of State as a foreign policy strategist. What do you think are the three largest challenges facing the United States today and how should the United States deal with these challenges?

Recognize that identifying the three largest challenges is only the first part of answering this question. The second part, "how to deal with them", will involve addressing the history that created these challenges and noting how your solution is the best choice given the history.  Do not think that you can get a good grade by going all Trump and simply bluster through an answer without logic or facts.

Your answers should have the following format:
  • First Paragraph – Thesis statement only.
  • Supporting Paragraphs – start with a topic sentence and include relevant facts. 
  • No Conclusion Paragraph
Important points to remember:

These are both open essay questions. There is no one correct answer for these essays. Instead, you will be graded based on the content of your answers – the more specific and detailed your essay the better.

These essays are based on the concept that an education is only truly tested when it is challenged to do something new.

I am giving you these questions with the expectation that you will discuss them with each other and other people.

I will not do your thinking for you. You need to state relevant facts and specifically make important connections in your writing.